- reasonable compensation
- достаточная компенсация
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics. 2014.
reasonable compensation — Just compensation. Sweet v Rechel, 159 US 380, 404, 40 L Ed 188, 198, 16 S Ct 43. See reasonable rate … Ballentine's law dictionary
reasonable compensation — just compensation, fair recompense … English contemporary dictionary
compensation — com·pen·sa·tion /ˌkäm pən sā shən/ n 1: the act of compensating 2 in the civil law of Louisiana: the ending of mutual obligations between two people for money or quantities of fungible things usu. by operation of law but sometimes by an agreement … Law dictionary
reasonable — Fair, proper, just, moderate, suitable under the circumstances. Fit and appropriate to the end in view. Having the faculty of reason; rational; governed by reason; under the influence of reason; agreeable to reason. Thinking, speaking, or acting… … Black's law dictionary
reasonable rate — A rate charged by a carrier in such amount as to provide a reasonable compensation for its services and no more. 13 Am J2d Car § 106. A rate charged by a public service company which is not oppressive to those served or confiscatory from the… … Ballentine's law dictionary
reasonable — rea·son·able adj 1 a: being in accordance with reason, fairness, duty, or prudence b: of an appropriate degree or kind c: supported or justified by fact or circumstance a reasonable belief that force was necessary for self defense d … Law dictionary
Compensation — • Denotes the price paid for human exertion or labour Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Compensation Compensation † … Catholic encyclopedia
compensation recovery — the clawback by a government agency of a proportion or all of the damages awarded or agreed to be paid to a person in respect of certain state benefits obtained by that person in consequence of an accident, injury or disease. In principle, this… … Law dictionary
Executive compensation — (also, director remuneration ) is how top executives of business corporations are paid. This includes a basic salary, bonuses, shares, options and other company benefits for work on the board of directors. Over the past three decades, director… … Wikipedia
just compensation — A familiar term in constitutional provisions and statutes granting or regulating the exercise of the power of eminent domain in the condemnation and taking of private property. Reasonable compensation. A compensation which is just, not merely to… … Ballentine's law dictionary
adequate compensation — The just and reasonable compensation to which an owner of property taken in an eminent domain proceeding is entitled. 27 Am J2d Em D § 266 … Ballentine's law dictionary